- Service
- November 25, 2023
Crawfordsville Pride
Phone: 765-267-6818
E-mail: prideofcrawfordsville@gmail.com
Website: https://cvillepride47933.wixsite.com/website
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/crawfordsvillepride/Welcome! We are a not-for-profit organization in Crawfo...
Journey of Hope Cancer Support Ministry
Contact: Pastor Mark Roberts
Meetings are held the first Monday of each month from 6:00-7:00p. Call 765 866-8180 for the location.
National Alzheimer's Association
Website: https://www.alz.org/
Works to eliminate Alzheimer’s disease through research & support. Services offered are support groups, educational programs, The Safe Return Program, 24-hour Helpline, the on-line...
Website: https://al-anon.org/
A self-help recovery program for famiies, allies and friends of alcoholics whether or not the alcoholic seeks help or recognizes the existence of a drinking problem. Members share experiences, strength and hope.
National Alliance on Mental Illness for West Centra Indiana
Phone: 765-423-6939 | 765-429-0467
Website: www.namiindiana.org or www.nami-wci.org
Call for information on locations of groups.
Family-To-Family Education
Family Support Groups
Valley Oaks Health (formerly Wabash Valley Alliance)
1480 Darlington Avenue
Crawfordsville, IN 47933
Phone: 1-866-682-5539
Website: https://valleyoaks.org//location/crawfordsville/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ValleyOaksHealth
Valley Oaks H...
Grandfamilies (A Resource for Grandparents)
A resource for grandparents raising grandchildren. Select "Resources", "State Fact Sheets", "Indiana" to view resources available in our area.
Celebrate RedemptionRock Point Church429 W. 150 S.Crawfordsville, IN 47933
Phone: (765) 362-5494
Celebrate Redemption is a biblically-based ministry for the whole community to help people find their hope, h...
Bickford Memory Care
100 Bickford Lane
Crawfordsville, IN 47933
765 362-2000
Dementia Support Group meets at 3:30p on Tuesdays. Call for information.
Valley Professionals Community Health Center
1702 Lafayette Road
Crawfordsville, Indiana 47933
Phone: 765-362-5100
Website: https://valleyprohealth.org/location/crawfordsville
Valley Professionals in Crawfordsville is a health center which offers ...